The "I" In ROI



Content Writing Services

Blog posts and case studies have their differences. But, when done right, both can drive traffic and, more importantly, leads and conversions. This is where my optimized 3x framework comes in handy.

Content Updates

As-needed updates for SEO, freshness, and EEAT
rates start at
  • Headline, title and meta tag updates
  • Optimization based on SERP analysis
  • Structure, clarity, voice and tone, and readability improvements
  • Replacement of outdated info and stats
  • Addition of internal links and internal link suggestions for existing content
  • Addition of credible, non-competitive external sources and/or expert quotes
  • Addition or strengthening of solution overviews or CTAs
  • Addition of images (e.g., product screenshots) needed for context
  • One round of revision

Blog Posts

Long-form SEO or thought leadership posts
rates start at
  • Three headline options with an optimized meta description
  • Optimized content based on SERP analysis
  • Links to credible, non-competitive sources and/or expert quotes
  • Internal links and internal link suggestions for existing content
  • Images (e.g., product screenshots) needed for context
  • Inclusion of relevant solution overviews, conversion assets and CTAs (where appropriate)
  • Two rounds of revision

Case Studies

Case studies to support your sales team
rates start at
  • Existing case information review
  • 1-2 case study interviews
  • Industry and audience research
  • Three headlines with an optimized meta description
  • A compelling narrative that skillfully showcases the value of your company's solutions
  • Inclusion of customer quotes and results data
  • Internal links and internal link suggestions for existing content
  • Dedicated call-to-action section
  • Two rounds of revision


Other Optimized 3X Services

Need a hand with more than just authoritative blog post  and case study writing? You can bring me on board for any of the following projects—all of which will help you publish higher quality content that’s more capable of driving organic growth. 


Comprehensive editorial recommendations
per hour
  • Verifying adherence to brief and brand guidelines
  • Spotting sometimes-sneaky issues like filler and redundancy
  • Calling out lack of clarity
  • Advising on how to make content more relevant, actionable or credible
  • Making psychology-based suggestions on language and editorial choices
  • Evaluating search engine optimization efforts


Strategic editorial guidance for your writers
per brief
  • Audience story, including customer journey stage, pains, and Jobs to Be Done
  • SEO details, including keywords, content to beat, and internal link recommendations
  • Brand details, including point of view, relevant solutions, and best CTA
  • Editorial guidance, including a suggested outline and voice/tone
  • Inspo or reference content links


6 weeks of mentoring for your content team
per engagement
  • Consulting calls to discuss initial concerns, bootcamp progress, and final recommendations
  • Pre- and post-bootcamp content and content contributor analysis
  • Comprehensive content editing and async editorial discussion
  • Process improvement consulting
  • Contributor-specific and team-wide action plans to improve your writing chops and your results

Outcomes I've Contributed To

Results of My Work

I wouldn’t dare take total credit since the strategies and dedication of the teams I work with have a lot to do with their success. But here are some outcomes my work has contributed to. 

Over the course of about 2 years, dozens of SEO blog posts for a fast-growing SaaS brand were written and updated at my desk. 

The company blog originally had very little content and minimal rankings. By the end of the project, my team and I had achieved: 

  • An increase of over 800% in organic blog sessions
  • A 400x increase in blog-attributed product signups
  • Over $4 million in blog-attributed ARR

Some folks still think that blog content is inherently bad at driving revenue. But, as these numbers show, that doesn’t have to be true 😉

I wrote five blog posts for a client in the advertising industry. Total costs for the content were in the ballpark of $3K. Was that a good investment? 

All five posts:

  • Are ranking on page one of Google (with many in coveted spots #1-3)
  • Have a combined monthly traffic value of $41,290 as of May 6, 2022

While that monthly traffic value is just an estimate, it’s safe to say that these posts have paid for themselves many times over! 

I assisted a team with optimizing several pieces of existing product-led blog content, many of which weren’t ranking well or at all.

In less than six months:

  • Organic keywords increased by over 250%
  • Monthly traffic increased by nearly 200%
  • Conversions rose by over 50% 

If you’re curious, the optimization included: 

  • Sourcing expert quotes
  • Adjusting topic focus and post structure as needed, as well as optimizing for relevant keywords
  • Sourcing examples to support key points
  • Strategically inserting product plugs and images
  • Inserting relevant internal links
  • Adding missing calls-to-action

And who wouldn’t be happy with the kind of growth it contributed to? 🌱


Got questions about my services, processes, or experience? Need help with a project and want to run it by me?

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