Meet Nia

San Diego born and raised. Been writin’ all my days. 

Nia is a fantastic copywriter who's dedicated to her craft, has high standards of personal integrity and quality, and gets the job done well and on time. Skilled at branded and sales-oriented copywriting. And capable both in messaging strategy and in rolling up her sleeves and producing copy that sounds great and fits a brand's voice. I highly recommend her.
Brandon M.
Lead Acquisition Specialist



There’s no either or. When it comes to online marketing, the most effective content and copy is always:

  1. Tailored to attract and persuade a specific audience
  2. Designed to highlight all the best things about the unique brand it’s for
  3. And optimized to be found and easily consumed online

It’s “Optimized 3X,” as I like to call it. And if you think back to some of the best content you’ve ever read online, you’ll find that this always holds true.

While Optimized 3x is the key to quality, I didn’t always realize it. Let me tell you a bit about my journey to that conclusion.



My journey since 2015 has looked something like this: 

The Beginning


The Experience: Early on, I stumbled into the unfamiliar but fascinating world of online marketing. Soon I had several clients in the industry.

The Catalyst: Working with pro marketers, my on-page SEO and readability game had to be strong so I hit the books! Through practice and becoming a student of HubSpot, Moz, SEJ and others, I learned what SEO’s really about and its impact when done right.  

The Takeaway: While getting your content found is a goal of SEO, its quality once people find it also matters (and impacts rankings). So it’s worthwhile to prioritize value-packed content, great readability, etc.

The Midway Point


The Experience: Fast forward from the initial rush of working in the marketing industry with agencies. An unpleasant pattern started to emerge.

The Catalyst: Too many folks were content to say, “We need a blog post on X topic for Y business” with little to no additional context 🤦‍♀️ My gut told me that this was an awful, ineffective way to approach content marketing. (Spoiler alert: My gut was right.)

Gathering more info on the target audience was the only way to make the content more engaging, more relevant, and less generic. So I vowed to start working with people who saw the value of writing for a specific audience instead of a broad, hazy idea of who their content is for.

The Takeaway: Content is more valuable and, therefore, performs better when it’s written for and to a clearly defined audience.

The Full Circle Point


The Experience: About the time I was grappling with not wanting to write generic content anymore, something else started troubling me.

The Catalyst: Many businesses have no qualms about paying for bland content just so they can say they have a website or are doing content marketing. Just as bad, many marketing agencies have no qualms about delivering cookie-cutter content to their clients, even though they know that level of quality isn’t up to par. 

Wanting to help businesses stand out, I started dabbling in brand messaging and honed my skills collaborating with stellar brand strategists and writers on various projects. 

The Takeaway: You can’t expect outstanding results if your content sounds the same as everyone else’s and does nothing to show why people should choose you over the competition. This is true even if you’ve done a decent job on SEO and writing for your specific audience.



I know, I know. Lots of folks talk core values but don’t live by them. Not me. 

Here are my values, along with some comments from my clients describing how I walk the talk. 

“I’ve worked with Nia for quite some time and she’s the most professional, organized and hardworking freelancer I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

Her talent and skillset surpasses many writers out there and her scope is very broad. She has the ability to write anything from short web copy, to bios to in-depth blog posts.

She’s a true one stop shop [sic] which allows projects to be done in a quick and timely manner. Thanks Nia for all that you do!”

-Mike R., Marketing Agency Founder 

Nia has been a steady, reliable, and consistent freelancer for us for quite some time.

She maintains the utmost professionalism when working with us, staying in communication, clarifying expectations, and always achieving the high standards she sets for herself.

Nia’s writing is clear, understandable, informative, and well formatted. She creates cohesive pieces with consistent messaging and is willing to try new topics and learn new skills.

She is organized and on top of things, [sic] you can count on her to get the job done, always. Thank you Nia!”

-Kristen M., Managing Editor

“I work with quite a few copywriters and content writers of all types. Of my copywriters, I usually ask for a deftly crafted mix of brand-specific voice, SEO writing, and conversion copywriting. Tough task but worth it to drive traffic, speak authentically and compellingly to those visitors, then convert them.

I also often ask my copywriters to collaborate with me on a brand messaging strategy document that requires strategic thinking, creativity, and writing chops. Nia is one of my go-to writers for this kind of work.

She can think strategically about messaging and also roll up her sleeves and craft the words while keeping all key considerations in mind. I hope to bring her into many more projects.”

-Brandon M., Lead Acquisition Specialist


Got questions about my services, processes, or experience? Need help with a project and want to run it by me? Get in touch below! (You’ll hear back from me within 24 hours.)

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